
  • Janeiro 17, 2021

Grant Agreement No. 2020-1-HU01-KA105-078387 
Action Type KA105 – Youth mobility
Start of Project 01/05/2020 / End of Project 31/01/2021 / Project Duration (months) 9

Coordenador: Hungria  (Fiatalok a részvételért Egyesület / Pécsvárad)
Parceiros: Hungria/Croatia/República Checa/ Estónia/ Itália/ Latvia(Letónia)/ Lituânia/ Portugal/ Eslovénia

Formação (1st training date):  2021.07.18 – 2021.07.25. 

[The main aim of this training course is that participants are able to learn and share methods with which they can improve the 8 key competencies with themselves and the young people they work with.]