Melting Games in Pécsvárad

  • Janeiro 16, 2021

Grant Agreement No. 2020-1-HU01-KA105-078390
Action Type KA105 – Youth mobility
Start of Project 01/06/2020 / End of Project 31/12/2020 / Project Duration (months) 7

Coordenador: Hungria  (Fiatalok a részvételért Egyesület / Pécsvárad)
Parceiros: Hungria/ Croatia/ República Checa/ Estónia/ Itália/ Latvia(Letónia)/ Lituânia/ Portugal/ Eslovénia

[The main aim of this youth exchange is for partners and participants to share their practices of gamification that is used or created by their organisation and what they use on a regular basis. This way, the participants can learn and take new games and methods home to their sending organisation, that can enrich their palette and the games can reach out to a wider audience.]